Miles Mathis' Charge Field
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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by panagiotis Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:53 pm

I am getting the general idea that the pyramid due to its tremendous size and density blocks the foundational charge field of the earth creating a low pressure funnel in the apex that extends to the sky and high pressures from the atmosphere travel to it..But i can't get the
following paragraphs.Can someone explain this to me?

Οf course this begs the question of how the field is summed. If an object on the Earth is not part of the Earth, and even an object buried near the surface is not part of the Earth, what is? I give a more complete answer to this elsewhere, but the last paragraph begs its so obviously I feel I have to give a short answer here. Every object both emits and blocks the foundational E/M field. Every proton and every electron, every house and every planet and every sun. Every apple and every orange. The density and size determine both the emitting and the blocking, but they determine each in a different way. Say that our pyramid and the Earth are the same density. In that case, the Earth must be emitting much more than the pyramid, per unit area, simply because the Earth has a lot more mass behind every unit of area. Each part of the Earth blocks some of the emission behind it, but not all, so that at the surface of the Earth we have a summation of all the mass behind that surface (minus the blocked emission). This is also true of the pyramid, but the pyramid has much less mass summing behind each surface. So the Earth must have exponentially stronger emission than the pyramid, even with equal densities.

You will say that the pyramid, having only one density, must block as much as it emits, keeping the field the same above and below it, but this is not true. Any object must block more than it emits, so long as the blocked field is denser than its own. This is because it is blocking through its entire length and width, but it is emitting (in a summed sense) only from its surfaces. I say summed sense, since it is true that all quanta in the object are emitting; but the emission of the object as a whole is not a straight addition of this quantum emission. Just as with the Earth, outer parts of any object will block inner parts; and so not all parts of the object will be represented by surface emission equally. For this reason, objects block more than they emit under these circumstances.

This also explains why objects at or above the surface of the Earth act independently in many ways. As long as they have discrete surfaces, and especially if they have greater densities than the Earth, they must act independently of the main summed field of the Earth. Which is to say that they must alter the field that is emitted into the atmosphere in measurable and detectable ways, by changing the charge pressure as it rises and spreads out.

With objects above the surface (like our pyramid) this is easy to see: the pyramid must block more than what is around it, since it is surrounded by air on four sides. With buried objects, this could only work if the object had a greater density than the Earth around it, or had other distinguishing properties that would cause a change in charge pressure.


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by Nevyn Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:11 pm

Hi Panagiotis, welcome to the forum. We're always glad to help, where we can.

I think the important part of these paragraphs is that the pyramid blocks more than it emits. The results specified are not a result of the size or density of the pyramid but rather the fact that any solid body will block more than it emits. This is because the whole body blocks, since the incoming charge can get inside of the body, but only the surface emits. Even though it is the whole body that is emitting charge, the body blocks its own charge just as much as it blocks the Earth's charge (well, not always the same amount since you need to know where the emission is starting and it will only be blocked on its way to the surface(s)).

Imagine you are at a concert and you are standing in the middle of the crowd. From the rear of the hall, the security team start shining torches into the crowd, but only at chest level. Being in the middle, none of that light is likely to reach you because it is blocked by all of the other people between you and the torches. If you had your own torch, it is also unlikely to reach anywhere outside of the crowd for the same reasons. However, if everyone in the crowd has a torch, then those people near the edges (surfaces) would be able to get light outside of the crowd very easily. Therefore, the crowd has blocked nearly all of the security teams light but the crowd is still able to emit light into the surrounding areas.

If we made the crowd into a triangle shape, with the point being at the stage, then it would be easier for you, in the middle, to reach the apex of the triangle, or somewhere along the edges near the apex, with your torch because there is less people between you and the edge. Certainly easier than the security team emitting light from the base of the triangle.

Therefore, a pyramid will create a charge well that has less density directly above the apex and increases in density towards the areas above the base.

Does that help at all?

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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by LongtimeAirman Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:06 am

Welcome Panagiotis. I agree with Nevyn. I would suggest you follow up with Miles’ paper, NASA's Lunar Gravity Maps. The emission fields of all objects are unique. Gravity is the sum of solo-gravity and charge, objects of differing charge densities can be observed from gravitational measuring satellites. The two images below are from that paper, they show (or as Miles points out – the white areas hide) a great deal of surface, or near surface, charge density variation.

Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Lunarg10

Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Lunarg11

Miles wrote.

Even without that information, NASA should have been able to figure out that its method of mapping was only mapping the surface. As soon as the physicists saw red circles surrounded by blue circles they should have known they were only mapping the surface. By the current theory of gravity, how could surface craters follow overall gravity so perfectly? They couldn't. There is absolutely no mechanism by which interior or overall gravity could be caused by surface craters. These maps are clear confirmation of my field and clear refutation of theirs.

So according to this, the bulk density data comes from GRAIL and nowhere else. The porosity map was generated from three sources, we are told, but the bulk density data came only from GRAIL. I have just shown that GRAIL is only mapping the very surface, so this data by itself can tell us nothing about the Moon's crust down to depths of 33 miles. Craters don't create density variations down to 33 miles, and even if they did, we have no indication this is what GRAIL is mapping. As I said, GRAIL is clearly mapping surface anomalies.

We can also see this by looking at the altitude of the satellites again. They are trying to map the crust of the Moon down to a depth of 33 miles, with satellites that are only 34 miles above the surface. Obviously, they need satellites that are higher than that, to give surface anomalies like I am talking about time to dissipate. The deeper you wish to probe the interior field, the higher your satellites have to be. Otherwise surface anomalies will wash out all deeper data, as we see here.

203. NASA's Lunar Gravity Maps. These maps are currently misinterpreted, and I show you the correct interpretation. By Miles Mathis. 10pp.


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by Cr6 Tue Sep 12, 2017 12:28 am

Welcome to the forum Panagiotis.  

Just wanted to add these links back to the TB forum. I think the pyramids were a giant ionizer that could be loaded up with Nile water by the temple priests. MM provides an explanation of how the charge field may work with "basins" to create a rain-ready atmosphere.  Yes a trickle charge may have been involved as well. Makes me think of the on/off phenomenon of water on surfaces by a trickle charge creating reversable  tribo-electricity attraction.  

If you were a temple priest back then you could use the pyramid with MM's ionization to create rain on demand by a trickle charge on the pyramid. With the power of creating rain-on-demand, then you have a lot of power and people would follow plans for building a really big pyramid. (Just a theory at this point.).

Last edited by Cr6 on Sat Jul 28, 2018 1:26 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar correction)


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Pyramid Power

Post by LongtimeAirman Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:19 pm

Miles said there's a relative charge minimum over the pyramid. A voltage differential must exist between the pyramid's center and surface. I was hoping for something more dramatic.

Cr6's idea, Rain-on-demand! sounds more exciting. The pyramid acted as a giant ionizer. A trickle charge is all that's necessary to create rain-ready atmospheric conditions. Would metal-cladding the pyramid increase its performance?

I have a pyramid theory too, the pyramid is a high pressure ram pump system (search TBolts?) pushing water to the higher irrigation reservoirs. At the same time it generates almost a hundred thousand atmospheres of cycling air pressure (0-100) to the piezoelectric blocks in the King's and Queen's chambers. This creates base carrier signal allowing long range communication around the planet. One need only modulate a key piezo crystal to transmit signals.


In case you noticed, I deleted Cr6's post from Tuesday, 6 March 2018 at 3:16 am. This entry must have been an error. The same geopolmerolig... subject started again on a separate thread a few minutes later.


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by Chromium6 Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:50 am

Thunderbolt's has a new article and video on the Moon-Earth connection. It's a TB style take but learned a few things from it:


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by Chromium6 Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:31 am

In Miles' most recent pyramid paper he mentioned sea-salt in water as important for using the C.F. in the Pyramids.

Came across this site outlining restivity of Salt (NaCl):

Home › Ness Engineering Inc. Home Page › Technical Data › Liquid Resistors

Liquid Resistors

Copper Sulfate
Ammonium Chloride
Sodium Chloride
Sodium Thiosulfate

Liquid resistors are often used in high voltage ac and pulsed power applications. The advantage of these types of resistors is that they can be assembled relatively inexpensively and can absorb large amounts of energy. The disadvantage is that it is somewhat difficult to obtain precise resistance values (rarely better than +/-10%) and the temperature of the solution can vary the resistance significantly. As a result, these resistors are often used in charging systems, dump resistors, etc. in large energy storage capacitor banks where precise resistor values are not necessarily required.

Liquid resistors are usually constructed from tubes of flexible insulating material (such as Tygon) with flat shaped electrodes inserted into both ends and the tube filled with electrolyte solution. Hose clamps or tie wraps seal the tube against the electrode. Electrode material selection depends upon the chosen solution to ensure that contamination of the liquid does not occur over time. A variety of chemical solutions have been used in the past for liquid resistors and four of the most common are shown below in the figure.

Electrical Resistivity of Solutions Based on Salt Concentration

Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) Liquid Resistors

Copper sulfate (CuSO4) is often used for liquid resistors. A saturated solution of copper sulfate has a resistivity of ~22 ohm-cm. With this solution, the electrode material should be copper. The graph below shows the salt concentration required for a given copper sulfate solution resistivity (rho) and a curve fitting function to solve for the salt concentration (salt).

Copper Sulphate Solution Electrical Resistivity as a Function of Salt Concentration

Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) Liquid Resistors

Although copper sulfate solutions are probably the most commonly used liquid resistor, other solutions can also be used depending upon the application requirements. From the figure above, one can see that the resistivity of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) solution is lower than the other examples. As a result, this solution is often used for low resistance values. When saturated, the resistivity of this solution is ~2 ohm-cm. Stainless steel (SS304) electrodes are used with this solution. The graph below shows the amount of salt concentration required for a given solution resistivity and a curve fitting equation similar to that above.

Ammonium Chloride Solution Electrical Resistivity as a Function of Salt Concentration

Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Liquid Resistors

Sodium chloride (NaCl or table salt) solutions can also be used to make low resistance values. The saturated resistivity of this solution is ~5 ohm-cm and the graph below shows the salt concentration vs. solution resistivity along with a curve fitting function.

Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Sodium10

Sodium Chloride Solution Electrical Resistivity as a Function of Salt Concentration

Sodium Thiosulftate (Na2S2O3) Liquid Resistors

Finally, Sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3) is also used in fabricating liquid resistors and the salt concentration vs. solution resistivity of this solution is shown below in the graph. In this case, a curve fitting function has not been applied.

Sodium Thiosulfate Solution Electrical Resistivity as a Function of Salt Concentration

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The Resistivity Of Water Explained
February 9, 2024

The resistivity of water is a fascinating concept that is directly determined by the concentration of dissolved salts found within the water. This means that water with a higher concentration of dissolved salts will have a lower resistivity, while water with a lower concentration of salts will have a higher resistivity. The resistivity of water can be measured in ohm-meters (Ω·m), and the specific values vary depending on the type of water.

Water is a fundamental resource that plays a crucial role in various industries and applications. Understanding the importance of conductivity and resistivity in water and their properties is essential for ensuring its purity and suitability for specific purposes.

What is Resistivity?

Symbolized by the Greek letter rho (ρ), resistivity is a measure of how strongly a material resists the flow of electric current. The calculation of resistivity involves multiplying the material’s resistance (R) by its cross-sectional area and then dividing the result by its length. The resulting value is measured in units of ohm-metres or ohm-centimetres.

Common Resistivity Values Of Water
Below are the ‘typical’ resistivity values for different bodies of water, measured at 20°C (68°F).

Seawater: 0.2 ohm meters (Ω·m)
Drinking water: 2-200 (Ω·m)
Deionized water: 180000 (Ω·m)

Importance Of Resistivity In Water Testing

While conductivity meters are effective in assessing water quality, resistivity meters serve as reliable tools for water testing. Ultra-pure water, with a resistivity reading of 20 million ohms, indicates the absence of dissolved solids or contaminants, ensuring its purity for consumption. Filtered water, though not entirely free from impurities, typically registers a resistivity reading of 500,000 ohms.



Lotus Effect

Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? 330px-DropConnectionAngel

Technical application

When it was discovered that the self-cleaning qualities of ultrahydrophobic surfaces come from physical-chemical properties at the microscopic to nanoscopic scale rather than from the specific chemical properties of the leaf surface,[18][19][20] the possibility arose of using this effect in manmade surfaces, by mimicking nature in a general way rather than a specific one.

Some nanotechnologists have developed treatments, coatings, paints, roof tiles, fabrics and other surfaces that can stay dry and clean themselves by replicating in a technical manner the self-cleaning properties of plants, such as the lotus plant. This can usually be achieved using special fluorochemical or silicone treatments on structured surfaces or with compositions containing micro-scale particulates.

In addition to chemical surface treatments, which can be removed over time, metals have been sculpted with femtosecond pulse lasers to produce the lotus effect.[21] The materials are uniformly black at any angle, which combined with the self-cleaning properties might produce very low maintenance solar thermal energy collectors, while the high durability of the metals could be used for self-cleaning latrines to reduce disease transmission.[22]

Further applications have been marketed, such as self-cleaning glasses installed in the sensors of traffic control units on German autobahns developed by a cooperation partner (Ferro GmbH).[citation needed] The Swiss companies HeiQ and Schoeller Textil have developed stain-resistant textiles under the brand names "HeiQ Eco Dry" and "nanosphere" respectively. In October 2005, tests of the Hohenstein Research Institute showed that clothes treated with NanoSphere technology allowed tomato sauce, coffee and red wine to be easily washed away even after a few washes. Another possible application is thus with self-cleaning awnings, tarpaulins and sails, which otherwise quickly become dirty and difficult to clean.

Superhydrophobic coatings applied to microwave antennas can significantly reduce rain fade and the buildup of ice and snow. "Easy to clean" products in ads are often mistaken in the name of the self-cleaning properties of hydrophobic or ultrahydrophobic surfaces. Patterned ultrahydrophobic surfaces also show promise for "lab-on-a-chip" microfluidic devices and can greatly improve surface-based bioanalysis.[23]

Superhydrophobic or hydrophobic properties have been used in dew harvesting, or the funneling of water to a basin for use in irrigation. The Groasis Waterboxx has a lid with a microscopic pyramidal structure based on the ultrahydrophobic properties that funnel condensation and rainwater into a basin for release to a growing plant's roots.[24]


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Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Empty Re: Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article?

Post by Chromium6 Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:58 am

Interesting read and well cited from older sources. Shows Ancient Egyptians were likely aware of the "Lotus Effect"...hence the cooling, with goosebumps, in certain passages (more pics at link):

The Pyramids of the Cold Section 1 • The evaporative cooling passage
Publié par Bruno Coursol dans The Pyramids of the Cold le 12/04/2022 à 20:17

Great Pyramid of Giza Salt Incrustation Horizontal Passage Debunked Evaporative Cooling

The ancient Egyptian god Horus, holding the fog nozzle of the evaporative cooling passage of the Great Pyramid.
Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Great-pyramid-of-giza-salt-incrustation-horizontal-passage-debunked-evaporative-cooling
Horus images : E3752 from the Louvre Museum and figurine of Horus DUT162 also from the Louvre Museum ; Paris, France, Hauteur : 9 cm ; Largeur : 2,7 cm ; Profondeur : 6 cm. Date de création/fabrication : Basse Epoque (664 - 332 BCE).

Evaporative cooling applications webpage screenshot : AquaFog® from Jaybird Manufacturing Inc (Pennsylvania, USA).

The Pyramids of the Cold - Section 1 • The Evaporative Cooling : the Horizontal Passage

In summary : the horizontal passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed to transform pressurized liquid water coming from the inclined well, into a fog of liquid microdroplets that would evaporate and create evaporative cold, most probably close to 5°C (41°F). The cold would be stored into the Queen's chamber, where a copper plate cold exchanger would have allow the cooling of a Solvay-like ammonia-soda process chemical manufacturing of sodium carbonate (the purest mineral form of natron), and sodium bicarbonate.

Modern evaporative coolers biggest problem is salt deposit, it is called encrustation, and it is exactly what has been noted in both the horizontal passage and the Queen's chamber of the Great Pyramid : hard and up to one-half inch thick incrustation of salt, everywhere in these parts of the pyramid." alt="" />

1.01  The surprising efficiency of the evaporative cooling process that created cold in the horizontal passage of the Great Pyramid of Khufu, is still used today in modern evaporative coolers

"Evaporative cooling exploits the fact that water will absorb a relatively large amount of heat in order to evaporate (that is, it has a large enthalpy of vaporization). The temperature of dry air can be dropped significantly through the phase transition of liquid water to water vapor (evaporation). This can cool air using much less energy than refrigeration."

"Evaporative coolers lower the temperature of air using the principle of evaporative cooling, unlike typical air conditioning systems which use vapor-compression refrigeration or absorption refrigeration. Evaporative cooling is the conversion of liquid water into vapor using the thermal energy in the air, resulting in a lower air temperature".

Great Pyramid of Giza Egypt Horizontal Passageway Layout Khufu King
Vertical elevation of the lower (northern) end of the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza, showing the joint-lines in the Western and Eastern walls, and in particular the continuous expansion joints that are suggesting thermal stress was applied on the structure : that is constraint due to a change in temperature.

1.02  The structural anomalies of the first 64 feet of the horizontal passage

The following excerpt is from  "Great Pyramid Passages Vol 1, 1910 edition" by John and Morton Edgar, paragraph ref. 583, page 293 :

Paragraph. ref. 583 : "As I indicated in a former letter, the masonry of this Horizontal Passage is very symmetrical. For a length of about 64 feet from the beginning of the roof at the Grand Gallery end, each wall is built in two equal courses. In each of these courses there are 15 stones of one uniform size, namely, 41*4 inches in length, and half the height of the passage in breadth — Plate IX. The vertical joints in the upper course are in line with those in the lower ; and those on the east are in direct opposition to those on the west wall."

1.03  The wider and continuous joints filled with resin or tar

The following excerpt is referring to the initial observations made by Dormion, before discovering the fine sand lining behind the blocks of the horizontal passage. Source :

"One more detail from Dormion: some blocks of this part of the horizontal corridor have a wider gap in between (2-3mm). The external part has been filled by mortar, while the internal part by something black and rubbery, maybe coal tar or vegetal resin. Also the first part of the floor is atypical: the blocks are narrow and often side by side, showing a poor structural rigidity, almost a propensity to warp (dis. G19). These details may show the purpose of the architect."

Can someone explain the following paragraphs regarding the pyramid article? Dendera-light-lamp-ancient-egyptian-fringe-conspiracy-theory-electricity-soot-debunked

Dendera Light Bulb Lamp Ancient Egypt Fringe Conspiracy Theory Electricity Debunked

The Dendera Light in the Hathor temple, is a representation of the fog of microdroplets of liquid water, transforming itself in vapor and by doing so, creating the evaporative cold designed to cool down the Djed pillar (more probably a Solvay-like tower). The Light Bulb shape of the Dendera Light is constrained by the shape of the horizontal passage.

The snake inside the Dendera Light is a representation of the pressurized water of the inclined well and getting out of the fog nozzle of the pyramid (please read Section 5 on that matter : the waters of the inclined well). More on the Dendera Light in Section 2.

Photograph of the Dendera Light, thanks to Kairoinfo4U and posted on flickr :

Lotus seed head thanks to Dinkum :

Dendera Light Lamp Ancient Egyptian Fringe Conspiracy Theory Electricity Soot Debunked

The fact that the Dendera Light is made of liquid water that transforms itself in a magical way, is exactly what are describing ancient Egyptians themselves : [About the snake inside the Dendera Light Bulb] "The field surrounding Ra’s snake form is referred to in ancient Egyptian literature as protective magical energy in liquid form that all gods and pharaohs possess (Faulkner 1970*)."

The evaporative cooling passage of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Queen's chamber were discovered with a very hard encrustation of salt, up to one-half inch (1.3 centimeter) thick. That salt is the signature of the evaporative cooling process.

Please read Section 17, about Akhenaten and Nefertiti, for the explanations of the Ankh being the symbol of the evaporative cooling.

The elevation loss of 3.8 inches is between the start of the collecting ramp (858.4 inches) and its end (854.6 inches). Elevation data (inches) : "The pyramids and temples of Gizeh", by Petrie, W. M. Flinders (William Matthew Flinders), Sir, 1853-1942 ; section 40 (page 66) : "Passage to Queen's Chamber"


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