Miles Mathis' Charge Field
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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Ciaolo Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:03 am


Why do infra-red cameras see in the dark? Is Earth radiating light like stars? According to Miles theory, all matter is radiating light. So, I started looking for an image of the Earth in the various inivisible wavelengths.

Apparently there are plenty of sun images in all possible wavelengths, also milky way images, andromeda and other deep space stuff. But the Earth seemed impossible to find... Until now.

I found it in infra-red, and it's not only an image, it's a 4K video.

Indeed, the Earth emanates light. IR at least is confirmed.


EDIT: I can't post links for the first 7 days (I like this security measure). Type this address: as usual, /watch?v= and then the video code is: 3a70A3XYfIE

(of course I want to comment the light patterns, but no spoilers)

If you have some more interesting images in invisible wavelengths, please share!

Last edited by LongtimeAirman on Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Activated the youtube link. The video appears corrupted about halfway through, with repetition of the text.)


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by LongtimeAirman Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:04 am

Hello Ciaolo, Welcome.

Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately the video has problems: there are no visible landmasses to tie the swirling patterns too; and the video is corrupted about halfway through.

It seems to me that the video provides a good sense of the prevailing high altitude jet streams. I could almost see the predominant weather patterns I associate with my part of the world, but I'm just guessing.


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Ciaolo Sat Sep 10, 2016 11:11 am

Yes, unfortunately it's corrupted halfway through.

Anyway, on the right you have the Americas, you can deduce the other zones.

Remember that this is infrared light, white is more, black is less, not clouds Wink


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by LongtimeAirman Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:05 pm

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Ddwxg810
Sorry, I've lost the source. The file name is unchanged.

I know it's not Earth. Same spirit.


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Ciaolo Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:48 am

Is it the sun? In the OP I said that there are plenty of images of the sun at all the possible wavelengths, but thank you anyway Wink

EDIT: that's cool, it's the sun behind the moon during an eclipse

Last edited by Ciaolo on Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:52 am; edited 1 time in total


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Jared Magneson Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:59 pm

Here is all I could find, though I think this may just be a more modern computer diagram.

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? EmsRadBudget_mainContent_earth-radiation-budget

Even so, we can clearly see the bands of heat at 30° N and S here, although the resolution is just terrible. I find it extremely suspicious that there aren't more photos of the Earth in other spectrums. We get new ones of the sun in almost ALL spectrums every day, from the "Sun Today" website directly. Google "SDO NASA sun today" and you should get there.

Jared Magneson

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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Ciaolo Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:31 am

In the past months I did some research and found a bunch of bs about concave earth. Anyway, there are some curious hints about warm(er) poles, at least compared to the surrounding areas. It can really be due to the intake of photonic energy.

Of course when you find all these info and hold tightly onto your logic sense, you see at least 90% of complete trash. I found 2 things though: there are some arctic bird species that migrate north during winter. (didn't research more about that). The other piece of info is: there are a lot of mammals rests found in ice in the northern Russian lands, and sorry but didn't research about that either. Those two are the most credible info I found.


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Jared Magneson Thu Mar 09, 2017 3:17 pm

I got into a fun but heated argument with my younger brother the other night about finding photographs of the Earth. It turns out there are only a handful, at best, in any wavelength including visible. Almost everything I've found has been doctored and Photoshopped. It's pretty easy for me to spot Photoshopped images, since that's a huge part of what I do for a living.

Now I'm not promoting any Flat-Earthery here any more than Mathis or any of you, I just find it a bit suspicious. We have daily updates in hi-res of the Sun, but nothing remotely similar of the Earth? Why?

Jared Magneson

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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Ciaolo Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:43 pm

There can be a wide range of reasons, but speculating isn't healthy if we don't have any data. Actually we could make some predictions, feel free to do so.

Anyway, is there any image of other planets in different wavelenghts?


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Jared Magneson Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:58 pm

We actually do. Here's Jupiter, in multiple spectra (I searched infrared):

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Image_3981_2-Infrared-Jupiter

And many other pics of Jupiter in various images. I don't see anything fatally compromised in these, either:

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Near-infrared-7

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Jupiter_infrared_Cassini

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? 698009main_pia16168-673

Jared Magneson

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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Cr6 Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:00 pm

Interesting posts there on Jupiter Jared and Ciaolo.

If we have to look at Charge Field effects that might get interesting. I wonder how the radiating Charge Field from the Sun is affected by Sun Cycles and Earth pole flips?


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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

Post by Jared Magneson Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:52 pm

Digging around, we see that Saturn also has very defined charge channels, in infrared.

Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Saturn_ir_keck_feb_2004_big

It's blocked by the rings a little here, but still an example:
Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? 3-saturn-IR-visible-070811

Jared Magneson

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Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths? Empty Re: Images of the Earth from space in invisible wavelengths?

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