American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Lunar and Menstrual Phase Locking.
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American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Lunar and Menstrual Phase Locking.
Was rereading the Mooncool.pdf from Miles' site:
The anti-photon charge flow got thinking that perhaps female menstrual cycles are connected with the Earth-Moon Charge flows. Women have their particular "natures" according to charge flow each month. I don't know the exact correlation but I bet it is pretty close IMHO. Women basically menstruate and build reproductive cells/hormones all connected with reproduction according to the photon/anti-photon balance? It is like the "Go/No-Go" signal for their bodies with men and ovulation? What do you think...?
Perhaps with this paper...Miles has uncovered one of the greatest mysteries to female behavior from the male perspective with this paper ? the World turns... (a bit dubious but lays out the details on the old 1980 is all about that "phase locking" that the girls instinctively know so well... )
It has been shown that menstrual cycles similar in length to the lunar cycle, in these selected populations, tended to occur during the light half-cycle of the lunar period. Since 98% of the cycles of 29.5 ± 1 day in length are ovulatory, and ovulation occurs, on average, 15 days before menses,3 ovulation is occurring in the half of the lunar hemisection opposite from menstruation occurrence. Thus, ovulation is occurring in the new-moon part of the cycle and is coincident with the greatest gravitational pull on earth.
It is important to realize that the possibility of a lunar entrainment of the menstrual cycle is not proven from the data presented. Rather these findings should be evaluated from the following perspective: a basic unit of biologic time for human cyclicity may well be the lunar, 29.5 day cycle.7, 14, 13
It is well known that lunar phases affect a variety of geophysical phenomena in nature, including magnetic and electric fields,6 as well as the tides. The fact that this same cycle length is the most common one in both human and infrahuman primate has been shown repeatedly.1,2,4,7,14
Furthermore, the physiologic individuality of biologic organisms11 suggests that each woman probably has some individual cycle length which forms the endogenous basis of her natural rhythm during the reproductive years.
A number of exogenous influences has been documented which alter the menstrual rhythm, and undoubtedly the list will be extended. To date, it has been shown that sexual behavior,4 social effects,2 as well as nutrition, seasonality, incarceration, and the stress of war,16 all contribute to the rhythm of the human cycle and subsequent fertility.
The demonstration that both lunar period cyclers (29.5±1 day) and irregular cyclers show a preponderance for menses onsets in the light half-cycle of the month suggests that a lunar effect exists. Twenty-two percent of the women of this 1977 study had the lunar period cycle. In addition, 17% of the women were irregular cyclers.
Thus, close to 40% of a random sample of women in one age group were tested and demonstrated an association between an exogenous influence (the lunar phase) and menses onsets. This suggests that a real phenomenon exists.
The remaining 60% of this sample have not been eliminated from a possible lunar effect. Rather, this form of short-term circular analysis is not suited to testing for a long-term effect. For the relatively regular (SD< 8 days) nonlunar period cycler, appropriate analysis would require long-term individual charts designed to evaluate movement toward the light half-cycle phase. An appropriate method might be similar to that of Waldron17 in which locust wing light movements were entrained to flashing-light stroboscopic stimulation. Analytic techniques were developed which showed that the closer the strobe rhythm was to the natural wing-beat rhythm, the more effective a source of entrainment the light became. Bunning has summarized similar types of analytic techniques, and these would be ideal for long-term cycle records within an individual. The short-term data sample (cross-sectional) of this report is not suited to these methods of evaluation, but such a study would be desirable for future investigation with the use of long-term menstrual records of individuals.
Thus, it has been shown that menstrual cycles similar in length to the lunar cycle occurred predominantly in the light half-cycle of the lunar period during the autumns of 1977 and 1976. That these women lived in city dwellings would seem to preclude any direct photic effect of the additional light in the sky. As Brown and Park12 have suggested, geophysical effects which result from lunar changes still affect a variety of organisms that have been removed from the direct photic influence by placement in a laboratory under constant light conditions. Entrainment of the circadian rhythm to an approximate lunar day (24.87 hours) has been show in humans who were removed from the light cycle but exposed to naturally occurring electromagnetic fields.14
Therefore, it might be considered that a natural rhythm of electromagnetic radiation has its origin in the lunar cycle, and may be reflected in phase-locking of the human menstrual cycle.
... (best article on the claims)
Recent article doubting the older paper (which I actually believe in...)
The anti-photon charge flow got thinking that perhaps female menstrual cycles are connected with the Earth-Moon Charge flows. Women have their particular "natures" according to charge flow each month. I don't know the exact correlation but I bet it is pretty close IMHO. Women basically menstruate and build reproductive cells/hormones all connected with reproduction according to the photon/anti-photon balance? It is like the "Go/No-Go" signal for their bodies with men and ovulation? What do you think...?
Perhaps with this paper...Miles has uncovered one of the greatest mysteries to female behavior from the male perspective with this paper ? the World turns... (a bit dubious but lays out the details on the old 1980 is all about that "phase locking" that the girls instinctively know so well... )
It has been shown that menstrual cycles similar in length to the lunar cycle, in these selected populations, tended to occur during the light half-cycle of the lunar period. Since 98% of the cycles of 29.5 ± 1 day in length are ovulatory, and ovulation occurs, on average, 15 days before menses,3 ovulation is occurring in the half of the lunar hemisection opposite from menstruation occurrence. Thus, ovulation is occurring in the new-moon part of the cycle and is coincident with the greatest gravitational pull on earth.
It is important to realize that the possibility of a lunar entrainment of the menstrual cycle is not proven from the data presented. Rather these findings should be evaluated from the following perspective: a basic unit of biologic time for human cyclicity may well be the lunar, 29.5 day cycle.7, 14, 13
It is well known that lunar phases affect a variety of geophysical phenomena in nature, including magnetic and electric fields,6 as well as the tides. The fact that this same cycle length is the most common one in both human and infrahuman primate has been shown repeatedly.1,2,4,7,14
Furthermore, the physiologic individuality of biologic organisms11 suggests that each woman probably has some individual cycle length which forms the endogenous basis of her natural rhythm during the reproductive years.
A number of exogenous influences has been documented which alter the menstrual rhythm, and undoubtedly the list will be extended. To date, it has been shown that sexual behavior,4 social effects,2 as well as nutrition, seasonality, incarceration, and the stress of war,16 all contribute to the rhythm of the human cycle and subsequent fertility.
The demonstration that both lunar period cyclers (29.5±1 day) and irregular cyclers show a preponderance for menses onsets in the light half-cycle of the month suggests that a lunar effect exists. Twenty-two percent of the women of this 1977 study had the lunar period cycle. In addition, 17% of the women were irregular cyclers.
Thus, close to 40% of a random sample of women in one age group were tested and demonstrated an association between an exogenous influence (the lunar phase) and menses onsets. This suggests that a real phenomenon exists.
The remaining 60% of this sample have not been eliminated from a possible lunar effect. Rather, this form of short-term circular analysis is not suited to testing for a long-term effect. For the relatively regular (SD< 8 days) nonlunar period cycler, appropriate analysis would require long-term individual charts designed to evaluate movement toward the light half-cycle phase. An appropriate method might be similar to that of Waldron17 in which locust wing light movements were entrained to flashing-light stroboscopic stimulation. Analytic techniques were developed which showed that the closer the strobe rhythm was to the natural wing-beat rhythm, the more effective a source of entrainment the light became. Bunning has summarized similar types of analytic techniques, and these would be ideal for long-term cycle records within an individual. The short-term data sample (cross-sectional) of this report is not suited to these methods of evaluation, but such a study would be desirable for future investigation with the use of long-term menstrual records of individuals.
Thus, it has been shown that menstrual cycles similar in length to the lunar cycle occurred predominantly in the light half-cycle of the lunar period during the autumns of 1977 and 1976. That these women lived in city dwellings would seem to preclude any direct photic effect of the additional light in the sky. As Brown and Park12 have suggested, geophysical effects which result from lunar changes still affect a variety of organisms that have been removed from the direct photic influence by placement in a laboratory under constant light conditions. Entrainment of the circadian rhythm to an approximate lunar day (24.87 hours) has been show in humans who were removed from the light cycle but exposed to naturally occurring electromagnetic fields.14
Therefore, it might be considered that a natural rhythm of electromagnetic radiation has its origin in the lunar cycle, and may be reflected in phase-locking of the human menstrual cycle.
... (best article on the claims)
Recent article doubting the older paper (which I actually believe in...)
(The charge field probably only activates this in cool moonlight... )In humans, pheromones have been postulated and even sold as sexual attractants. But there is little or no peer-reviewed evidence to suggest that any pheromone influences human behavior. No human pheromones have been identified, and the vomeronasal organ that detects pheromones in other mammals is rudimentary and nonfunctional in humans.
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