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How you found Mathis

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How you found Mathis Empty How you found Mathis

Post by Ciaolo Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:51 am


I want to share with you how I found Mathis, and created this thread so you can share your experience too if you want.

I've always been curious about everything, was passionate about astrophysics when I was very young (not the maths of course!) and learnt a lot of things about it before I grew up. Then (luckily) my professional choice was about computer science so I didn't fill my brain with the physics theories too much (studied them in high school and uni but I always considered it a bunch of mathematical formulae that makes a bit more sense of chemistry which was complete nonsense and I studied that only in high school for 1 year).

Every now and then an idea comes to mind and I do some research on the internet about it. I decided that the Big Bang was The white hole. Time started and matter started from there (in time too) and it goes through black holes to go 'back' to it (like a cycle), so I started researching about this (if someone else thought about it too) and eventually found a wikipedia about a list of alternative universe models. They were all fascinating and most of them made so much more sense than the model 'I grew up with'. Again I must remember you that I never studied the math behind the mainstream model.

So I chose a couple of them and did some research and that led me to the electric universe, that was cool but I did not understand electricity very well so it was confusing sometimes. By pure chance I found a link to an article about gravity in the Mathis website, and that was so strange and awesome at the same time! The expansion made perfect sense, but it was so difficult to cope with.

For some time (probably more than a year) I completely abandoned my researches and at that time I didn't know that website actually, I just read a couple of articles.

But I already decided that the mainstream model was wrong, and there were some notions I decided to study. So I found the website again and read a lot of articles. Probably all of the 'macro' model. I did not swallow everything without thinking, I was most critical, and then I wanted to see what others thought about the various topics, but I only found insults online (insults from people who did not like to use their brains).

Last year I found this forum by pure chance while reading an article about Mathis on the electric universe forum (which I only discovered then).

I'm happy I found it because even if you are a genius, you need other people to polish your ideas, to talk about them and to give you more things to think about.

Thank you for reading this Smile

Last edited by Ciaolo on Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:42 am; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2016-09-08

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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by Nevyn Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:38 pm

I found Miles through the EU as well. I'd been looking through other alternative theories at the time, which I think was around 2005-ish, but nothing at the level I wanted. The EU was interesting for a while but that sat upon EM concepts which it didn't care to explain and I wanted to understand things below that level.

Miles gave me that level of understanding. I still had to work through it, which hasn't ended yet, but at least Miles was working mechanically.

I haven't been to the EU forums in some time, other than Airman's recent discussions about Pi, but I logged in this morning (very surprised that I could remember the password) and went over my posts.

If you want to see the beginnings of SpinSim, have a look over this thread: Lloyd makes an appearance too.

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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by Jared Magneson Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:05 pm

I too found Mathis via the Electric Universe site, but not from the forums. I had been following the EU theory for a few years, and finally got the nerve (balls?) to ask Scott, Smith, and the others exactly what electricity IS.

Not one of them could answer me with any clarity, rigor, or definition. I found it odd and frustrating that some of the top electrical engineers in the world (self-proclaimed) had no idea what electricity really was.

So I did a Google search, waded through the much, and finally stumbled across Mathis's paper on the topic. Not only did he make a great deal of sense, he had mechanical, non-fuzzy answers to my questions - and so much more, obviously. I've since read all his papers, even his art papers and essays, multiple times. He's inadvertently helped me become a better artist as well as a better (but in-progress, constantly) understanding of physics. Hard not to idolize the guy, even when he's being a jerk to me in emails. Smile

Edit: specifically, this essay by Stephen Smith stood out to me as patently unintelligent and full of gaping holes, and was a big proponent of my switch from the EU model to the... Neoclassical? Mathisian? Well, whatever you wanna call it. The good stuff.

Jared Magneson

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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by LongtimeAirman Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:20 pm

TB must have a sizeable Miles following. Less than 10 years ago, the forum and picture of the day were perfect sources for my continuing education in astrophysics and the electrical nature of the universe. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I read as much as I could, forcing myself through background papers, and sharing wonders with fellow engineers and utility tradesmen whenever they let me.

I was taken aback by the anti-Miles folk before I finally found him a year later, after reading his Pi paper a second time. After that it was true love. He described things with terrific clarity, enabling me to see all the details in subjects I had previously been unable to fathom. I read all his work, twice, and sent him a card telling him so.

I committed myself to becoming a contributing forum member by being his proponent. I’ve sent him a just a few additional messages. I remember a discussion at TB where Seasmith quoted Miles’ latest paper thanking me (by real name!), Lloyd and another for defending his ideas, albeit “not as well as he could”.

I'm grateful for this experience.


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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by Jared Magneson Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:31 pm

Yes! He has definitely awakened something in me, both intellectually and, well... The joy of discovery? Of learning, almost like intellectual treasures we're unearthing here, with him as the Chief Investigator kinda-thing. And he's also OUR best and strongest proponent, even if it's not personal. He has reminded me that I actually can be intelligent enough to fathom physics, math, and the Universe. Or at least to delve further, learn more, and discard all manner of horse-shit science that I took for granted previously.

It's empowering and liberating for me - even though I'm often wrong in these conversations and really struggle with the physics and math. I know that it's on me to study harder, and also to keep my ego to a minimum when you folks show that I'm wrong, mistaken, or off in my physics or math. It's just great, and a very humbling experience alongside the empowerment.

Jared Magneson

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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by Ciaolo Thu Jan 12, 2017 6:18 am

To Airman: it's funny that you discovered Mathis by finding Mathis haters Very Happy
Also, I remember reading a paper where he thanks people for defending him on a forum, and he also said that he didn't have the patience or time to do it himself, I read that before I found either forums.

To Jared: You said a very interesting thing, mainstream physics is a religion that forces you to just take everything as granted and forbids you to think about anything, exactly the opposite of true science. Mathis was denied this freedom as well (he tried to publish his first papers on scientific publications) and he retaliated by publishing all his work for free.
The fresh air he brought is exactly what science is. Trying to answer questions is marginal, he is giving people something to think about, once again, in a field where people are treated like stupid cash cows.

And the beauty of this new model! The elegance of the Solar System, with orbits, moons, tilts, equilibrium! The new interesting chemistry world! The new way of seeing fire, thunderbolts, clouds, rainbows, solid and flexible materials, water, everything is more wonderful than ever.

We can think, propose, discard, change mind, and so on. I'm a computer scientist, I've always been able to do those things in my field and it's awesome. And now thanks to Mathis everyone can do that in the real world too.

Imagine Mathis not being denied his publications, the official science would have been capable of great things! Forecast earthquakes, develop levitating machines, new materials, better nanotechnologies etc.

And this, some day, will happen.


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How you found Mathis Empty Re: How you found Mathis

Post by Lloyd Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:40 pm

I found Miles' Calculus paper online around 2010 and about a year later I wanted to find it again, but I also found his science site. So I read up on that. Then I emailed him and asked if I could interview him. He let me interview him a couple times for the Thunderbolts forum, but then he didn't want to answer any more questions after that. The interview should still be on the 2.0 forum. A few years later I found Nevyn's thread on the TB forum and he had a simulation of a photon there [I think I meant proton] that intrigued me, so I invited him and other Miles enthusiasts to discuss his simulation. We had some private discussion on the Craigslist forums, then Cr6 started this forum. I had written up some questions for Miles and posted them on Charles Chandler's website, then Airman copied them here to this forum. I mainly like Miles' idea that everything is made of photons.


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