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Why cannot nuclear explosions be real?

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Why cannot nuclear explosions be real? Empty Why cannot nuclear explosions be real?

Post by Lloyd Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:21 pm

I have a free online book, called ILKI: Important Little-Known Info, at
One chapter is called "ILKI RE HISTORY & CONSPIRACY" at
I wrote the last part about Miles' ideas on nuclear weapons being fake. I said he seems to be wrong about that.
Miles wrote several papers showing fakery involved in nuclear weapons propaganda, so he assumes that nukes are fake, that the explosions can be produced by conventional explosives in large quantities. It seems to me that nukes are real, since they seem to produce by-products that other explosives don’t produce. Carbon-14 is one such by-product. Here’s a graph showing the increase of C-14 during the years in which nuclear testing was supposedly done.
Why cannot nuclear explosions be real?
I added a thin vertical black line under the peak of the curve to show when the greatest amount of C-14 was in the air, which was apparently around April 1963. It seems reasonable to me to suppose that faking of images and of personnel was done in the interest of secrecy. If the above graph from is accurate, it seems to prove that nuclear weapons are real. I don’t know what else could have produced those amounts of C-14 over that time period.
Doesn't that graph prove that nukes are real? Miles wrote about Oppenheimer recently at . A guy posted a video on the subject lately at and he shows the conventional explanation of nuclear weapon explosions, i.e. atoms expelling neutrons in a chain reaction. Why would that explanation be wrong? This video says conventional explosives often contain oxygen and nitrogen {fuel and oxidizer}: . This one says some explosions involve rapid increase in heat to produce rapid expansion, and others involve rapid expansion via shock wave, 6,000 to 9,000 meters per second. Would a nuclear explosion be produced by a shock wave? Charles Chandler said meteor impacts can produce nuclear explosions. All that's needed is a high velocity impact, something like 20 kilometers per second, to produce extremely high heat and high pressure.


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Join date : 2022-04-12

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